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How South Africa saved my life

Have you ever felt such an attachment to a team that you live and breathe their results? Have you ever become so invested in their success that every move of each one of their players becomes something you track — simply because? Have you rearranged your routine to make sure you’re able to watch said team? And has this team’s success sometimes lifted you from the depths of darkness? If you’re a sports fan, I bet your answer is yes. Sport is like that… it draws us in, wraps us tightly in its grip, and before we know it, there’s no escape. Often, there’s no logical explanation as to why you love a certain team. It could be a loyalty that is passed down through generations, a connection that grew when your favourite player joined them, a fascination that began due to an obsession with their jersey (you know who you are!) or something even more bizarre. Today, I’m telling my story of a sports team that saved my life… Dramatic, I know, but hey, it’s my story. This is a team to which I will